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Our Policy Platform

Climate change is a generational justice issue. If New York fails to address the climate crisis quickly, comprehensively, and equitably, our generation and future generations to come will suffer the consequences. For this reason, we demand that our state accelerate its response to climate change. To this end, we demand the following:

Teachers' Divestment

The New York State Teachers’ Retirement System (NYSTRS) end their financial support of the fossil fuel industry by divesting all assets from companies involved with fossil fuel production. The New York State legislature should pass the Teachers’ Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (S4783A/A6331A) in order to mandate that NYSTRS divest from fossil fuel stocks.

Elimination of Fossil Fuel Subsidies

The immediate end of state fossil fuel subsidies, including but not limited to the passage of the Fossil Fuel Subsidies Elimination Act (A.8483 Cahill / S.7438 Krueger), which would eliminate $334 million of annual fossil fuel tax expenditures.

All Electric Buildings

Passage of the All Electric Buildings Act (A.8431b Gallagher / S.6483c Kavanaugh), which requires that all buildings applying for permits starting in 2024 must be fully electric, unless all-electric is not feasible. This legislation is necessary in keeping New York on track with its CLCPA goals and helping to facilitate our transition to a green energy grid that is practical and serves NY. 

Public Power

Passage of the Build Public Renewables Act (A.466 Caroll / S.6453 Parker) which would enable the New York Power Authority (NYPA) to build and own new renewable generation, and will phase out its existing fossil fuel plants as quickly as possible. This allows NYPA to scale up new large-scale renewables faster, cheaper, and more democratically than private developers can. 

Gas Transition and Affordable Energy

Passage of the Gas Transition and Affordable Energy Act (A.9329 Fahy / S.8198 Krueger) which will give the Public Service Commission the authority and direction to align gas utilities with the Climate Act’s emission reduction and climate justice mandates.

Tax the 1%

New York State must end its repeated reliance on austerity and instead raise taxes on the top 1% of New York earners to not only support programs that millions of New Yorkers depend on including education and public housing, but also fund the ambitious targets of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. These include the expansion of renewable energy infrastructure such as solar panels and wind turbines, retrofitting old buildings to be energy efficient and expanding public transportation, especially in Upstate New York.

© 2020 by the New York Youth Climate Leaders, Inc.

Web design by Sophie Campbell. 

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